DesignAnswers’ very own “Zero Period” kicked off on the 13th of July 2022 with our very first guest – Mr. Prashant Sinha, Co-Founder and CCO at Momspresso who joined us for a highly interactive and engaging coffee session at DA office in Gurgaon.
Taking us down his professional memory lane, from his time at Times of India to Pepsi to Momspresso and many in between, Prashant threw light on the importance of “insight mining” and the various challenges one faces as we navigate a fast-paced evolutionary media landscape. Talking about the very foundation of creating digital content, i.e., ideas, Prashant said, “Ideas come from insights and insights lead to benefits” and it is these benefits that a brand brings to the forefront to it’s consumers and builds an entire narrative around. Relevant to our designers, Prashant also impressed upon the importance of great packaging, how decoding briefs lays the foundation for any campaign and how all this is made easier with the help of, yes you guessed it, INSIGHTS. To get into the pulse of any brand, asking the right questions becomes imperative to make briefs more clear and have a more targeted communication or design solution. If one is able to get a client to answer the “only” and list the “and” you can be assured to have a good starting point.
If you would like to present a case study or idea jam with us, write to us at and we”ll be sure to get in touch